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命題邏輯 Logical Equivalences 邏輯等價, Rules of Inference 推理規則

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命題邏輯的 Logical Equivalences 邏輯等價, Rules of Inference 推理規則

Logical Equivalences

\[\displaylines{ \begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \text{Equivalence} & \text{Name} \\ \hline \mathbb{\displaylines{p \wedge \top \equiv p \\ p\vee \bot \equiv p}} & \text{Identity laws}\\ \hline \mathbb{\displaylines{p\vee \top \equiv \top \\\ p\wedge \bot \equiv \bot}} & \text{Domination laws}\\ \hline \mathbb{\displaylines{p \vee p \equiv p\\\ p \wedge p \equiv p}} & \text{Idempotent or tautology laws}\\ \hline \mathbb{\displaylines{\lnot (\lnot p) \equiv p}} & \text{Double negation law}\\ \hline \mathbb{\displaylines{p \vee q \equiv q \vee p \\\ p \wedge q \equiv q \wedge p}} & \text{Commutative laws} \\ \hline \mathbb{\displaylines{(p\vee q)\vee r\equiv p\vee (q\vee r)\\\ (p\wedge q)\wedge r\equiv p\wedge (q\wedge r)}} & \text{Associative laws}\\ \hline \mathbb{\displaylines{p\vee (q\wedge r)\equiv (p\vee q)\wedge (p\vee r) \\\ p\wedge (q\vee r)\equiv (p\wedge q)\vee (p\wedge r)}} & \text{Distributive laws} \\ \hline \mathbb{\displaylines{\neg (p\wedge q)\equiv \neg p\vee \neg q \\\ \neg (p\vee q)\equiv \neg p\wedge \neg q}} & \text{De Morgan's laws} \\ \hline \mathbb{\displaylines{p\vee (p\wedge q)\equiv p\\\ p\wedge (p\vee q)\equiv p}} & \text{Absorption laws}\\ \hline \mathbb{\displaylines{p\vee \neg p\equiv \top\\\ p\wedge \neg p\equiv \bot}} & \text{Negation laws}\\ \hline \end{array} }\]

Logical Equivalences Involving Conditional Statements

\[\displaylines{ \begin{aligned} p\rightarrow q &\equiv \neg p\vee q\\\ p\rightarrow q &\equiv \neg q\rightarrow \neg p\\\ p\vee q&\equiv \neg p\rightarrow q\\\ p\wedge q&\equiv \neg (p\rightarrow \neg q)\\\ \neg (p\rightarrow q)&\equiv p\wedge \neg q\\\ (p\rightarrow q)\wedge (p\rightarrow r)&\equiv p\rightarrow (q\wedge r)\\\ (p\rightarrow q)\vee (p\rightarrow r)&\equiv p\rightarrow (q\vee r)\\\ (p\rightarrow r)\wedge (q\rightarrow r)&\equiv (p\vee q)\rightarrow r\\\ (p\rightarrow r)\vee (q\rightarrow r)&\equiv (p\wedge q)\rightarrow r \end{aligned} }\]

Logical Equivalences Involving Biconditional Statements

\[\displaylines{ \begin{aligned} p\leftrightarrow q&\equiv (p\rightarrow q)\wedge (q\rightarrow p)\\\ p\leftrightarrow q&\equiv \neg p\leftrightarrow \neg q\\\ p\leftrightarrow q&\equiv (p\wedge q)\vee (\neg p\wedge \neg q)\\\ \neg (p\leftrightarrow q)&\equiv p\leftrightarrow \neg q \end{aligned}}\]

Rules of Inference

\[\displaylines{ \begin{array} {|c|c|}\hline Rule \space of\space Inference & Name \\ \hline \displaylines{p \\ \underline{p \rightarrow q} \\ \therefore q} & \text{Modus ponens} \\ \hline \displaylines{\lnot q \\ \underline{p \rightarrow q} \\ \therefore \lnot p}& \text{Modus tollens} \\ \hline \displaylines{p \rightarrow q \\ \underline{q \rightarrow r} \\ \therefore p \rightarrow r }& \text{Hypothetical syllogism} \\ \hline \displaylines{p \vee q\\ \lnot p \\ \overline{\therefore q}} & \text{Disjunctive syllogism} \\ \hline \displaylines{p \\ \overline{\therefore p \vee q}} & \text{Addition} \\ \hline \displaylines{\underline{p \wedge q}\\ \therefore p }& \text{Simplification} \\ \hline \displaylines{p\\ q\\ \overline{\therefore p \wedge q} }& \text{Conjunction} \\ \hline \displaylines{p \vee q\\ \lnot p \vee r\\ \overline{\therefore q \vee r}} & \text{Resolution} \\ \hline \end{array} }\]

Rules of Inference for Quantified Statements

\[\displaylines{ \begin{array} {|c|c|} \hline Rule \space of \space Inference & Name \\ \hline \displaylines{\forall x P(x) \\ \therefore P(c)}& \text{Universal instantiation} \\ \hline \displaylines{P (c) \space for \space an \space arbitrary\space c \\ \therefore \forall x P(x)} & \text{Universal generalization} \\ \hline \displaylines{\exists x P(x) \\\ \therefore P(x) \space for \space some \space element \space c }& \text{Existential instantiation} \\ \hline \displaylines{P(x) \space for \space some \space element \space c\\\ \therefore \exists x P(x)} & \text{Existential generalization}\\ \hline \end{array} }\]


Logical equivalence - Wikipedia

Rule of inference - Wikipedia


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