Chapter 2 - Application Layer
Application architectures
- Always-on host, permanent IP address
- Data centers for scaling
- Do not communicate directly with each other client
Peer-to-peer (P2P)
- No always-on server
- Higher self scalability
- Complex management
Processes communicating
Process mean a program running within a host
Software interface, a process sends/receives messages to/from network
Addressing Processes
To identify receiving process, we need to specify two info:
- Address of host: unique 32-bit
IP address
- Identifier specifies receiving process in destination host:
port number
IP address
and port number
One IP is not enough to identifying process, because many processes can be running on same host
App-layer protocol defines
Two main types of app-layer protocols:
Open protocols
Defined in RFCs, e.g. HTTP, SMTP
Proprietary protocols
Not defined in RFCs or elsewhere, e.g. Skype
What transport service does an app need?
- Reliable data transfer
- Throughput
- Timing: low delay
- Security
Internet transport protocols services
- Reliable
- Flow control
- Congestion control
- e.g. Email, file transfer
- Higher throughput
- e.g. Audio streaming
Securing TCP
TCP and UDP no encryption
Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
筆記一下學習網路五層#2.2.1 - 2.2.3 - iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救 IT 人的一天
Hypertext transfer protocol, port 80
HTTP is "stateless"
- Server maintains no information about past client requests
Question: should each request/response pair be sen over a separate or the same TCP connection?
開發者可以決定當送出 request/response pair 時,是透過 separet TCP connections 或者是 同一個 TCP connection 實行,若為前者則稱為 Non-Persistent 後者則為 Persistent
Non-persistent HTTP 非持久性
Round-trip time (RTT): time of packet travel from client to server and back
假使有一個 html 裡面有十張圖片
One RTT to initiate TCP connection
One RTT request message + receives response
Then request 10 image
Total 11 TCP connection, 22 RTT
Persistent HTTP
One RTT to initiate TCP connection
One RTT request message + receives response
Then 10 RTT for 10 image
Total 1 TCP connection, 12 RTT
Concurrent HTTP
Not part of the HTTP specification, but implemented by almost all web browsers
After initial HTTP connection which retrieves the HTML body, initiate multiple (4~6) HTTP sessions (per domain) to retrieve multiple objects (e.g. images) in parallel
HTTP request message general format
- Request line
- Header lines
- Body
| method | sp | URL | sp | version | cr | lf |
| header field name | | value | cr | lf |
| header field name | | value | cr | lf |
| cr | lf |
| entity body |
HTTP is stateless, how can identify users? Cookies
Defined in RFC 6265
- cookie header line in request message
- cookie header line in response message
- cookie file 存放於各個使用者的browser
- back-end database in the Web site
Cookies can be used for:
- Authorization
- Shopping carts
- Recommendations
Web caches (proxy server)
Reduce response time for client request
Reduce traffic
Electronic mail
RFC 2821, port 25
SMTP uses persistent connections
Comparison with HTTP:
HTTP: pull protocol (pull the information from the server)
SMTP: push protocol (sending mail server pushes the file to the receiving mail server)
Eail access protocol
POP: Post Office Protocol
IMAP: Internet Mail Access Protocol
or use HTTP
TCP connection to the mail server on port 110
Three phases:
- Authorization
- Declare username, password
- Transaction
- Update
- Two modes of operations:
- download and delete
- download and keep
POP3 is stateless across sessions 跨會話是無狀態的
Keeps user state across sessions
Domain Name System (DNS)
Application-layer protocol, distributed database
- Hostname to IP address
- Host aliasing
- Mail server aliasing
- Load distribution
- Many IP addresses correspond to one name
Why not centralize DNS?
Single point of failure
Top-level domain (TLD) servers
Responsible for top-level country domains, e.g.: uk, fr, ca, jp
Further delegates query to authoritative DNS servers
Authoritative DNS servers
Organization’s own DNS server
Providing authoritative hostname to IP mappings for organization’ s named hosts (e.g., *, known as a DNS zone
Can further sub-divide into smaller DNS zones
DNS caching
Once (any) name server learns mapping, it caches it
Improve delay performance and to reduce the number of DNS messages ricocheting around
Cached entries may be out-of-date
cache entries removed after time to live (TTL)
DNS records
What are DNS records? | Cloudflare
DNS records (aka zone files)
Resource records (RR) format: (name, value, type, ttl)
There are many type of DNS record, more than 20 kind
Common type of DNS record
What is a DNS A record? | Cloudflare
Hostname to IP address
for IPv4, AAAA
for IPv6
Stands for "nameserver"
Indicates which DNS server is authoritative for that domain
What is a DNS CNAME record? | Cloudflare
Align name to A record
CNAME record can point to another CNAME record, but it slower
MX and NS records cannot point to a CNAME record
What is a DNS MX record? | Cloudflare
"mail exchange" (MX)
MX records cannot point to a CNAME, MX must directly point to A or AAAA record
DNS protocol
DNS Message Format - GeeksforGeeks
Query and reply messages, both with same message format
Don't need quiz, I think
Attacking DNS
- DDoS attacks
- Redirect attacks
- Man-in-middle
- DNS poisoning
- Exploit DNS for DDoS
P2P applications
- file distribution (BitTorrent)
- Streaming (KanKan)
- VoIP (Skype)
File distribution - Client-server
Server send N
copies with F
file size
: server upload capacity
Time to send one copy:
Time to send N copies:
: min client download rate
Min client download time:
Time to distribute F to N clients using client-server approach:
File distribution - P2P
Client can download and upload to other client at the same time
Streaming multimedia: DASH
What is MPEG-DASH? | HLS vs. DASH | Cloudflare
DASH: Dynamic, Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
Content distribution networks (CDN)
What is a content delivery network (CDN)? | How do CDNs work? | Cloudflare
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