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Character 1 - Introduction

Physical medium 物理介質

  • Twisted-pair copper wire

  • Coaxial cable

  • Multimode fiber-optic cable

  • Terrestrial radio spectrum

  • Satellite radio spectrum

Physical media categories

  • Guided media

  • Unguided media

Packet Switching

Send message from source end system to destination end system

Long messages breaks into smaller chunks of data called packets

Packet Switches

  • Router

  • Switch

Sending L bits with transmission rate R bits/s

Time to transmit the packet is L/R seconds.

Queuing Delays and Packet Loss

Packet switch has output buffer / output queue

If link is busy, packet need wait in output buffer

  • Store-and-forward delays

  • Queuing delays (wait to be transmitted on link)

If output buffer completely full -> packet loss (dropped)

Forwarding Tables and Routing Protocols

Differences Between Routing and Forwarding Tables | Baeldung on Computer Science

Routing table for router

Forwarding table for switch or bridge

Circuit switching




Multiplexing in Circuit-Switched Networks

  • Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM)

  • Time-division multiplexing (TDM)

Difference between TDM and FDM - GeeksforGeeks

FDM v.s TDM - iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救 IT 人的一天

Packet Switching Versus Circuit Switching

  • Packet switching not suitable for real-time services

  • Packet switching more efficient

  • Circuit switching waste the bandwidth if user inactivity


1 Gb/s link

Each user:

  • 100 Mb/s when active

  • Active 10% of time

Q: how many users can use this network under circuit-switching and packet switching?

Circuit-switching: 10 users

Packet switching:

如果有 35 users, probability > 10 active at same time approximately 0.0004

probability <= 10 is 0.9996

二項分佈 (wiki), B(N, k)

拋硬幣,N 次試驗中有 k 次成功的概率, P(X = k)

XB(35,0.1)X \sim B(35, 0.1) P(X=k)=C(35,k)0.1k0.935kP(X<=10)=P(X=0)+P(X=1)+...+P(X=10)=0.999575702P(X>10)=1P(X<=10)=0.000424297\begin{align*} P(X = k) &= C(35, k) 0.1^k 0.9^{35 - k} \\\\ P(X <= 10) &= P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + ... + P(X = 10) \\ &= 0.999575702 \\\\ P(X > 10) &= 1 - P(X <= 10) \\ &= 0.000424297 \end{align*}

可以做 Quantitative Comparison of Packet Switching and Circuit Switching ,題目參數會改

Four sources of packet delay

  1. Processing delay
  • Check bit errors
  • Determine output link
  • Typically < microsecs
  1. Queueing delay
  • Time waiting at output link for transmission
  • Depends on congestion level of router
  • L: packet length (bits)
  • R: link bandwidth (bit transmission rate)
  • a: average packet arrival rate
  • Traffic intensity = L * a / R
  • La/R ~ 0: avg. queueing delay small
  • La/R -> 1: avg. queueing delay large
  • La/R > 1: more “work” arriving is more than can be serviced, average delay infinite
  1. Transmission delay
  • L: packet length (bits)
  • R: link bandwidth (bps)
  • d_trans = L/R
  1. Propagation delay
  • d: length of physical link
  • s: propagation speed in medium (~ 3x10^8 m/s)
  • d_prop = d/s
dnodal=dproc+dquene+dtrans+dpropd_{nodal} = d_{proc} + d_{quene} + d_{trans} + d_{prop}

ISO/OSI reference model

  1. Application

  2. Presentation

  3. Session

  4. Transport

  5. Network Layer

  6. Data Link Layer

  7. Physical Layer

Network security

Denial of Service (DoS)

Attackers make resources (server, bandwidth) unavailable to legitimate traffic by overwhelming resource with bogus traffic

Packet sniffing

Records all packets

Wireshark is a (free) packet-sniffer

IP spoofing

Send packet with false source IP address