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CS3103 - Operating Systems

Instruction cycle

Instruction cycle (also called fetch–decode–execute cycle, or fetch-execute cycle)

Three main stages: fetch, decode, and execute

  1. Copied the address in PC to MAR
  2. PC "point" to the memory address of the next instruction to be executed.
  3. Copied instruction at the memory address described by the MAR to MDR(or call MBR)
  4. CU decode instruction to IR
  5. Execute


Program Counter (PC)

sometimes called instruction pointer(IP) or instruction address register(IAR)

PC hold the memory address of the next instruction

Instruction register (IR)

IR holds the instruction currently being executed or decoded

Fetched instruction load into Instruction Register

Accumulator (AC)

Intermediate arithmetic and logic results are stored

Execution result stored in Accumulator temporarily

Program Status Word (PSW)

contains execution status information

performs the function of a status register and program counter


  1. Running User program
  2. Interrupt
  3. Store all information to control stack
  4. Store user program address to stack pointer
  5. PC point to interrupt service program
  6. Run interrupt service program
  7. Interrupt service program run finish
  8. Resume all information in control stack
  9. PC point to stack pointer(user program before)

Spatial Locality

If a particular storage location is referenced at a particular time, then it is likely that nearby memory locations will be referenced in the near future.

Temporal Locality

If at one point a particular memory location is referenced, then it is likely that the same location will be referenced again in the near future

Direct memory access (DMA)

Allows hardware subsystems to access main system memory independent of CPU

Without DMA, when the CPU is using programmed input/output, it is typically fully occupied for the entire duration of the read or write operation, and is thus unavailable to perform other work.

With DMA, the CPU first initiates the transfer, then it does other operations while the transfer is in progress, and it finally receives an interrupt from the DMA controller (DMAC) when the operation is done


Instance of program running

Execution of a sequence of instructions, state, and associated set of system resource

Much more than just running program

Process Element

  • Program (code) (which may shared with other process that executing same program)
  • Data (even running same program, but may different set of user data)
  • Context (contain all information OS need to manage process)

Process Management requirement of OS

  • Interleave execution of multiple processes
  • Allocate resources to processes and protect
  • Share and exchange information between processes
  • Synchronization among processes

Interleave execution of processes

Dispatcher is one of function of Operating system

Dispatcher switch processor from one process to other

Dispatcher generate Clock interrupts (also called timeout), and switch processor

All in memory

Create Process in UNIX

Parent process can create child process by system call - fork()

After create child process, all following routine are possible

  • Stay in parent process
  • Transfer control to child process
  • Transfer control to another process

fork() will return pid, if pid equal 0, this is child process


#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>

using namespace std;

int main(){
int pid = fork();
cout << "(1)" << endl;
if(pid == 0){
cout << "(2)" << endl;
cout << "(3)" << endl;

(1) and (3) execute both child and parent, only child process execute (2)

Variable value between child and parent process will not share

State and value of variable will copy when process create


Application corresponds to one or more process

You can download Process Explorer to find more information of process

Two-State Process Model

  • Running (Pause to Not Running state)
  • Not Running (Dispatch to Running state)

Process not running will keep on Queue, store all waiting process

Waiting for dispatcher to dispatch first process to processor for execution

After timeout then go back to the end of the queue

Five-State Process Model

Not Running state can divide to Ready and Blocked (my be waiting for I/O operation)

  • New (Admit to Ready)
  • Ready (Dispatch to Running)
  • Running (Timeout to Ready, Event wait to Blocked, Release to Exit)
  • Blocked (Event occurs to Ready)
  • Exit

Use Two Queues, Ready Queue and Blocked Queue

Ready Queue store process that ready for execution

Blocked Queue store blocked process that waiting for event occur

There could be many different events, it not efficient if simply put all the blocked process into singe queue

Better way is Multiple Blocked Queue for each type of event

When event occur, we can simply dequeue the first process

Suspended Processes

If all processes in main memory waiting for I/O operation, then processor becomes idle

To solve this problem, swap blocked process out to disk

So that memory space can release for new process

Blocked state become Suspend state when process swapped to disk

  • Blocked (suspend to Suspend State)
  • Suspend (Activate to Ready)

But One Process is no enough, we need to distinguish some suspend state already occur event and ready for execution

Other the other hand, release memory is reason of swap process , not only blocked process swap, Running Process may require to suspend

So we divide to Block/Suspend and Ready/Suspend State

Two Suspend States

Two addition state of Five State Model

  • Blocked/Suspend (Event occurs to Ready/Suspend)
  • Ready/Suspend (Activate to Ready)

There are total Seven State:

  • New (Admit to Ready, Admit to Ready/Suspend)
  • Ready (Dispatch to Running, Suspend to Ready/Suspend)
  • Running (Timeout to Ready, Event wait to Blocked, Suspend to Ready/Suspend, Release to Exit)
  • Blocked (Event occurs to Ready, Suspend to Blocked/Suspend)
  • Blocked/Suspend (Event occurs to Ready/Suspend, Activate to Blocked)
  • Ready/Suspend (Activate to Ready)
  • Exit

Reason of Process Suspend

  • Swap (Release main memory to bring in new process)
  • Interactive User Request (User suspend for debugging)
  • Timing (Execute periodically)
  • Parent Process Request

OS Control Table

  • Memory Tables
  • I/O Tables
  • File Tables
  • Primary Process Table (and it point to Process Image)

A lot of information need to store about each process, so we require another data structure called Process Image

Memory Table

Track main (real) and secondary (virtual) memory

  • Allocation of main or secondary memory to process
  • Protection attribute of blocks of main or virtual memory (to indicate which process can access which memory region)
  • Information to manage virtual memory

I/O Table

Manage I/O devices and channels

I/O devices available or assigned to particular process

Infomration of I/O operation: status, location in main memory (source or destination) of I/O transfer

File Table

  • Location on secondary memory
  • Status
  • Other attributes (read only? executable?)

Information may maintained by file management system instead of File Table

Process Table

In Primary Process Table, one entry for each process

Each entry point to Process Image

Process Image contain:

  • User Data
  • User Program
  • Stack (has one or more LIFO stack used to store parameters and calling address)
  • Process Control Block (PCB)

Process Control Block (PCB)

Contain number of attributes used by OS for process control

All information about process

Make possible to interrupt running process and resume

Those information can group into three categories:

  • Process identification
  • Processor state information
  • Process control information

Process identification

Each process have unique numeric identifier (PID)

Processor state information

Consists of processor registers' content

Program counter (PC)

Program status word (PSW)

Stack pointers (SP)

Process control information

  • Process state
  • Priority
  • Scheduling-related info
  • Waiting event
  • Data structuring

Process List Structures

Queuing structure can implemented as linked lists of PCBs

Modes of Execution

  • User mode
  • System mode (control mode or kernel mode)

User mode is less-privileged mode, user program typically execute in this mode

System mode is more-privileged mode, Kernel can execute this mode

Process creation

  1. Assign unique process identifier (PID) and add new entry to process table
  2. Allocate space (process image)
  3. Initialize process control block (PCB)
  4. Set up linkage as put process to Ready list
  5. Create or expand other data structure as accounting file for performance assessment

Process Switching

Save state of old process and load saved state for new process

When to Switch Process?

  • Interrupt (Clock interrupt, I/O operation is done)
  • Trap (illegal file access) (Handle error)
  • System call (or supervisor call)

System call

pgrep -f <program name> to find PID with program name

strace -pPID to find all involved system calls, e.g strace -p1234

For example: getchar() will call system call read(), cout will call write()

Step of Process Switching

  1. Save context of processor (Program counter, other registers)
  2. Update PCB
  3. Move PCB to appropriate queue - ready, blocked, ready/suspend
  4. Select another process for execution
  5. Update PCB of selected process
  6. Update memory management data structure
  7. Restore context of processor that selected process was last switch out

Mode Switching

See Other


Processes characteristics

Resource ownership

  • Allocate ownership of resources, including virtual space for hold process image
  • OS provided Protection function to prevent unwanted interference between process with resource


  • Execution of process may interleaved
  • Execution state and dispatching priority and this is an entity of scheduled and dispatch by OS

Two characteristics of process can treated independently by OS

  • Unit of dispatching refer to thread or lightweight process
  • Unit of resource ownership refer to process or task


Concurrent execution of single process

Single-threaded Approaches

Every process have only one thread

Multithreaded Approaches

Every process can contain multithreads

Every thread will have there own program counters


Basic unit of CPU utilization

Contain program counter, stack, thread id, and registers

Resource is share between thread in same process

Process vs Thread


  • Unit of resource allocation: virtual address space (including process image)
  • Protection
  • Switching process need communicate will OS


  • State (ready, running, and blocked)
  • Save thread context when not running
  • Shard memory and resource if thread in same process
  • Execution stack

Similar between Process and Thread

Both have execution state and need synchronize

State of Thread

  • Running
  • Ready
  • Block

Execution state is store in thread-level data structure

When process is suspended, all thread related to process suspended together, since they shard address space

Terminate process will also terminate all thread

Benefits of Thread

Application implement with collection of thread is more efficient than separate process. Because:

  • Time of create new thread is less then create new process
  • Time of terminate thread is less then process
  • Time of switching is less
  • Efficiency communication since shard memory and resource, thread can communication instead of invoking kernel

Categories of Thread Implementation

  • User Level Thread (ULT)

  • Kernel level Thread (KLT), (also called kernel-supported threads and lightweight processes)

  • Combined Approach

User Level Thread (ULT)

Thread manage by application

Implement by user (e.g by calling thread library)

Kernel don't know existence of threads

Kernel handles as single-threaded process

User Level Thread can run in any OS

Cannot take advantage of multiprocessing

If one of User Level Thread is blocked, it will block whole process

Switching don't require kernel mode

User Level Thread (ULT) small and faster than Kernel level Thread (KLT)

Kernel level Thread (KLT)

Thread manage by kernel

Context information of Process and Thread both handle by kernel

Slow than User Level Thread (ULT)

Even one of Kernel level Thread is blocked, kernel still can schedule another thread

Kernel can simultaneously schedule multiple threads into multiple processors

Kernel level Thread can multiprocessing

Kernel level Thread need OS support

Transfer control require a mode switch to kernel

Combined Approach

m-to-n mapping hybrid implementation

  • Application creates m ULTs
  • OS provides pool of n KLTs

Multithread in same application can run in multi processor

See Other

POSIX Pthreads

A standardized C language threads programming interface

Implemented with a pthread.h header

Difficulties of Concurrency

Relative speed of execution of processes cannot predicted since

  • Depend on other activity
  • Way of OS handles interrupts
  • Scheduling policies of OS

Sharing of global resources

OS difficult to optimally manage resource allocation

  • Multiple processes may request use of same resource

Hard to locate programming errors

  • Results not repeatable, deterministic, and reproducible

Race Condition

Multiple processes or thread read or write shared data

Final value will depend on execution order, first execution will be cover

There are three popular solution to solve the problem:

  • Mutual Exclusion
  • Semaphores
  • IPC Message Passing

Dining philosophers problem


response time

turnaround time


processor utilization

Types of Scheduling

  • Long-term scheduling
  • Medium-term scheduling
    • Swap
  • Short-term scheduling
    • dispatcher
  • I/O scheduling

Decision Mode



Shortest Process Next (SPN)


select shortest expected processing time

response time improve

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

Preemptive version of SPN