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CS3342 - Software Design

Waterfall Model

Incremental Model

The Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model

Evolutionary Process Model

Prototyping Model

Spiral Model

Concurrent Engineering Model

Component based software engineering (CBSE)

Class Diagram

define relationship between entity


A has B (Must/Compulsory)

B must included

e.g. A class contain fixed local variable link to B class

class A {
final B b = new B();


A has B (Optional)

class A {
B b;
void setB(B b){ this.b = b; }


A use B

more dynamic

class A {
void Foo(B b){ }

Association and Multiplicity

[One] 1 or blank

[Zero or one] 0..1

[Zero or more] 0..* or *

[One or more] 1..*

[Specific range] a..b 4..7

A 1 --xxx--- 4 B

mean A xxx 4 B / B xxx 1 A

e.g Car 1 have 4 Wheel

Roles of variable

Motivation, naming

use i as counter

use sum as accumulate

Constant / Fixed value

Stepper (Incrementor)

Most-recent holder (latest input value)

Gatherer (accumulator)

Transformation - hold value to divide compute

One-way flag



Use Case Diagrams

Objective: create semi-formal model of functional requirement

Analyze scope, external parties, interface, scenarios and reactions

define system boundary

identify primary actor, for each identify user goals

define use cases to match the goal

Secondary actor indirectly interact system or support use case to complete use case for primary actor


Must/Common include path

show lower-level task


Option path (if then)

extension points

Generalization (Inheritance)

A -> B, from A to B indicate A inherit B

Actor can also be generalized

Structure of Use Case Specification






Flow of Event(Success Scenario)

Not allowed paths (if any)

Alternatives paths (if any)

Exceptions (if any)

Post conditions

Extension Points

Sequence Diagram

Dynamic model

Class method calling sequence

Objects or Actor NOT Class

Object name before : (optional), <name>:<type>

Object, message, life-line, condition

sd stand for sequence diagram

Message type

synchronous message - Solid triangle solid arrow left to right實線三角形實心箭咀 左指右

Reply message for synchronous message - Dotted arrow right to left 虛線箭咀 右指左

Asynchronous message - Solid arrow left to right 實線箭咀 左指右

Object creation message - Dotted arrow left to right 虛線箭咀 左指右

Return Value (Optional) - Dotted arrow right to left 右指左

Sequence Numbering

Single Level (1, 2, 3, 4 ...)

Nested Level (1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.3 ...)


[condition] on arrow

Lost Message and Found Message

to and from black hole

Reference (Ref) or InteractionUse


describe control logic

Alternatives (alt)

Option (opt)

Iteration (loop)

Break (break out loop)

... etc

Alternatives (alt)

if else


Dotted line on frame to divide then and else part

Option (opt)

if (but no else)

Break (break out loop)

if condition match, break out frame (inverse behavior of Option frame)

Iteration (loop)

loop, loop(3), loop(1, *)

[condition] to end of the loop

Design Pattern

Class Design Principles

  • Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
  • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
  • Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
  • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
  • Law of Demeter Principle (LoD)


Open-Closed Principle (OCP)

Open for Extension

but Closed for Modification

make all member private

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

subclass can be substiute of parent class

If S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S without altering any of the desirable properties of the program (correctness, task performed, etc.)

Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

high level should not depend on low level

use interface for better extension

// Bad
class A {
B b = new B();
class B {}

// Good
class A {
B b;
A(B b) {
this.b = b;
interface B {}

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should

Don't make function handle too many functionality

// bad
class Powerful {
// mix function of A and B Class !
void A_A();
void A_B();
// ... 100 line
void B_A();
void B_B();

// OK
class A {
void A();
void B();
class B {
void A();
void B();

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

// bad
class A {
void B();
void C();
void D();
A a = new A();
a.B();// only use B() function

// good
class A implements IB, IC, ID { }
class IB { void B(); }
class IC { void C(); }
class ID { void D(); }
IB ib = new A();

Law of Demeter Principle (LoD)

Don't talk to strangers

Each unity should only have limited knowledge about other units

// bad
class A {
B b;
void Foo() {
class B {
C c;
class C {
void E() { }

// Good
class A {
B b;
void Foo(){
class B {
C c;
void D() { c.E(); }
class C {
void E() {}

Gang-of-Four (GoF) Design Patterns


  • Abstract Factory
  • Factory Method
  • Builder
  • Protoype
  • Singleton


  • Facade
  • Adapter
  • Bridge
  • Composite
  • Decorator
  • Flyweight
  • Proxy


  • Observer
  • Interpreter
  • Template Method
  • Chain of Responsibility
  • Command
  • Iterator
  • Mediator
  • Memento
  • State
  • Strategy
  • Visitor

State Pattern

object alter behavior when internal state change

object behavior depend on its state

State Interface implement by concrete class

Context Class contain State

// ok
class A {
void Foo();
class B : A { void Foo(); }
class C : A { void Foo(); }
class D : A { void Foo(); }
A a = new B() / C() / D();

// better
class A {
IFoo ifoo;
A() { ifoo = new B() / C() / D(); }
void Foo() { ifoo.Foo(); }
interface IFoo { void Foo(); }
class B implements IFoo { void Foo(); }
class C implements IFoo { void Foo(); }
class D implements IFoo { void Foo(); }
A a = new A();

but number of object will increase

Strategy Pattern

similar to state pattern, but only one function for each state

since state create a lot instance object

Strategy pass to context as parameter

State are create by context

class A {
IFoo ifoo;
void Foo() { ifoo.Foo(); }
interface IFoo { void Foo(); }
class B implements IFoo { void Foo(); }
class C implements IFoo { void Foo(); }
class D implements IFoo { void Foo(); }
A a = new A();
a.ifoo = new B() / C() / D();


create a static instance in class

always only one

class A {
static final A instance = new A();
A.instance // access

provide access in everywhere

Façade Pattern

provide simple interface to access

hide the backend detail

Factory Method Pattern

define interface to create object

object creation in run-time

Observer Pattern

broadcast and subscribe


Command Pattern

log, redo, undo

Command interface

Invoker, Client, Receiver


  • Descriptive ethics
  • Applied ethics

Four Virtues

  • Prudence
  • Temperance
  • Fortitude
  • Justice

Five P's

  • Purpose
  • Pride
  • Patience
  • Persistence
  • Perspective